The creative brainchild of Nicole Hill, Clown ZerO began its life back in 2012 as a 3 minute play featured in “Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind,”
the New York Neo Futurist’s ever changing attempt to perform 30 plays in 60 minutes.
Utilizing mask-work as well as stop motion animation created live onstage via
vintage overhead projectors, Clown ZerO's mission then, as now, has been one of inviting audiences to see themselves reflected in the spiritual hi-jinks found within the clown that's in us all.
See video below for a peak at the CZ creative process...

Click any picture to enlarge...
In 2013 Clown ZerO appeared again in “MUTE,” a Neo Futurist exploration of non-verbal expression.
"MUTE" won the 2014 NY Innovative Theater Award for “Outstanding Innovative Design”.
See Video Of Awards Ceremony Below
Click any picture to enlarge...

In 2015 Nicole’s work on Clown Zero was selected as a finalist for the Drama League’s
Beatrice Terry Residency. That same year the video below was made for the website
Submittable's "Fail Better" contest where performers were asked to recount biggest failure.
Fast-forward some five years and Clown ZerO is still pioneering the “Sacred Silly.”
This time by distilling the process down to nothing more than the exploration of sound...
So stay tuned for...
Where audiences now get to Hear their own remarkable “goof-vinity” amplified.
Click any picture to see pix from the May 2018
Misadventures Of Clown ZerO Plodcast "Listening Party".